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News ID: 121
Publish Date: 18 May 2021

A 45,000-meter Shabistan (special underground space) will be built in the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (piece be upon her)

development plan of the holy shrines of Imam Hussein and Hazrat Abbas as well as the space between the two holy shrines has been designed in three main courtyards, including the courtyard of Imam Hussein, the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab and the courtyard of Imam Zaman (Twelfth Imam)

development plan of the holy shrine of Imam Hussein with an area of 38 hectares will be implemented in four stages and the first phase of this project is being constructed as the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab through the efforts of the Reconstruction Organization (Atabat)

Implementation of the first phase of the development plan of Imam Hussein Shrine in 5 hectares

In the first step of the development plan of the shrine of Imam Hussein, a part of the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab and the courtyard of Imam Hussein will be constructed

The first executive stage of this plan is called the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH)

The executive operation of the first phase of this project started in 2015

A 45,000-meter Shabistan (special underground space) will be built in the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (piece be upon her)

The courtyard of Hazrat Zeinab (PBUH) is located in the area between Bab Qibla Street, Shohada Street and Jomhuri Street, which includes pilgrimage and non-pilgrimage spaces with an area of five hectares

About 700,000 cubic meters have been excavated to construct the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH)

Excavation of the whole project with an area of 603,970 cubic meters has been completed. one of the parts of the project that is underway is the central engine room. excavation support has been implemented around the plan area. the project has made more than 80 percent physical progress in excavation and about 10 percent in foundation

The process of constructing the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (piece be upon her)

The courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) is designed in a way that it is not possible to construct a building above the level of the shrine. If a building is constructed above the level of the shrine, the view of the shrine from different parts of the city will be disrupted, therefore, it is not possible to build a building above the level of the shrine. Due to this fact a noticeable part of the project has to be constructed under the ground level. The level of groundwater is high and makes problems with excavation for engineers

The round-the-clock efforts of the engineering team and construction of a sealing wall with a thickness of one meter and a depth of 40 meters around the project area with a length of two thousand and 500 meters, prevented water penetration and makes it possible to excavate up to a depth of 14 meters and build Shabistans (underground spaces)

A 45,000-meter Shabistan (special underground space) will be built in the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (piece be upon her)

118 thousand meters from the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) is non-pilgrimage

The development process of the shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH) has made about 25% physical progress in the first phase

Pilgrimage spaces of the courtyard of Hazrat Zeinab (PBUH) include surface spaces and subsurface spaces along with service complexes that cover about 45,000 square meters

Non-pilgrimage spaces with an area of about 118 thousand square meters include office building, the Muzif building, museum and library, central engine room and tunnel. Unveiling of this complex will increase the infrastructure of the spaces around the holy shrine about 14 times

A 45,000-meter Shabistan (special underground space) will be built in the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (piece be upon her)

75 percent progress in the concrete structure of the courtyard of Hazrat Zeinab (PBUH)

Development plan of the holy shrine of Imam Hussein known as the courtyard of Hazrat Zeinab has increased pilgrimage spaces as well as recreation services for pilgrims such as construction of 850 toilets and 120 shower heads

 concrete structure of the courtyard of Hazrat Zeinab has made 75% progress. brickwork is underway in some parts of the building and delicate work is underway in toilets

A 45,000-meter Shabistan (special underground space) will be built in the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (piece be upon her)

Importance of valuable architecture in the courtyard of Hazrat Zeinab (PBUH)

The holy shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH) is one of the places that has a special importance, both historically and in terms of sacredness. We can say with confidence that there is no place with such great importance for the Shias and the Sunnis and even other religions. Therefore, the architecture of this holy shrine is of great importance.

This holy place should also be a suitable place to serve the pilgrims of Imam Hussein and the architecture of the shrine should remind us of the bravery and sacrifices of Imam Hussein and his family and their devoted companions.

Al-Tall Al-Zaynabiyya will be constructed 2 meters upper than others building and on a sign of a hill

 valuable Iranian Islamic art has been used in the architectural design of the shrine of Imam Hussein. Beautiful decorations using Islamic geometric patterns of Iranian architecture has made a suitable and appropriate construction .in order to remind pilgrims of the Day of Ashura, special signs have been used in the architecture of this of these most important signs is Al-Tall Al-Zaynabiyya that will be built 2 meters upper than other building around it on a sign of a hill.

More than 70% reduction in labor force working in Karbala due to outbreak of Covid 19

The spread of Corona Virus prevented suitable development of Imam Hussein Shrine. due to outbreak of Corona and restrictions, currently about 170 people are working in in compliance with health protocols in the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab while about 700 people used to work in Karbala before the outbreak

A 45,000-meter Shabistan (special underground space) will be built in the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (piece be upon her)

Construction of the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) will complete in 2024

Most of the materials used in the construction of the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) have been supplied by Iranian suppliers. Some of the materials were donated to Reconstruction Organization (Atabat) and some of them were bought in Iran and transferred to Iraq.

Construction of the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) has taken about 5 million 922 thousand man-hours so far

The courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) will be completed in 1403 if the recent health restrictions are lifted

The courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) is being constructed on the southern side of the shrine of Imam Hussein. the construction process has not stopped for a single day during the outbreak of Covid 19 and is still underway.



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